I will try to fully understand the problem you're trying to solve.
Poorly understood problems result in expensive and overly-complex solutions.
If I believe that I cannot help you, I will tell you. I have no interest in
selling you services you don't need or creating a product that doesn't help you.
I will be up-front regarding price, and will immediately inform you if I believe
this will change at any point during the project.
I will deliver what I promise in a timely manner, and
I will communicate about any delays as soon as I know about them. I respect your time
and I will not abuse your schedule.
I will tell you honestly the pros and cons of the choices I see, even ones
that might result in your not needing my services anymore.
My goal is to help your business grow, period.
I will support whatever I create; I'm not a fly-by-night operation who wants
to quickly make something and then disappear. I will be there
to help you as your business needs change.